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First Aid Kits. Did you know that employers are required to conduct a risk assessment and only then choose a first aid kit that meets their specific needs? Have you done that? No? Well, don’t worry, we can help, and there is no charge for doing so, or for the advice, nor any obligation to buy. The Workplace First Aid Kit shown here meets the latest British Standards, but there are a number of different sizes and content options, depending on the nature of your working environment and the number of people involved. Pages 3 to 5 of our catalogue shows the range.


First Aid Kit & Components. Just because there is now a British Standard for First Aid Kits, you don’t have to rush out and buy a brand new kit – although many suppliers encourage you to believe that you do. The contents of a First Aid Kit can be added to, and there is a good chance that in fact you already have a lot of what you should provide. We can help you comply with BS8599-1, or BS8599-2, for example, by adding the latest components as you need them, or as use by dates expire, and these items are really not expensive to replace or upgrade. If it suits you better, we will undertake the stock audit for you, no charge, all part of the service.


Disposable Gloves. Essential for any situation in which a form of barrier protection is required for the hands, disposable gloves are available in a number of different materials, sizes and quantities, and just what you need when dealing with potential biohazards. They should be made available to your workforce. The ones shown are powder free Nitrile Blue, ambidextrous, with a beaded cuff and combine high tensile strength with optimum sensitivity. See page 19 of our catalogue for the full range of gloves.


Cleansing Wipes. One of the changes to current guidance is that cleansing wipes should now be prepared with saline, and you can buy them in either a standard format or coloured blue if you work in a food preparation or food handling environment. Pack sizes vary, but these are another of the obligatory products you should now provide for the well being of your employees. See page 19 of our catalogue for the full range.


Eye Care. Eyepods provide a convenient method of cleansing and refreshing the eyes in non emergency situations, but did you know that there is a specific guideline regarding the provision of sufficient fluid in order to drench the eye in an emergency? Again, location and working environment are also relevant, but for further advice we would be very happy to help. Have a look at page 8 of our catalogue for the full range of Eyecare products.


Burn Kits. New British Standards applied to First Aid Kits now mean that there should be some level of provision made for treating burns or scalds in ANY workplace. Some environments, however, particularly those in which high temperatures are routinely found, should make a further assessment of their own particular needs and may find that a Burns Kit is appropriate alongside existing measures. If you’re not sure whether this applies to you, we would be happy to help. See page 9 of our catalogue for our full range of Burns treatment.


Food Hygiene First Aid Kits. If you work in a food preparation or food handling environment, you will no doubt be aware that in the case of food contamination, the only defence likely to succeed would rely upon producing evidence of due diligence. As blue is the only colour not to appear in nature, it has already been deemed appropriate for all plasters used in your sector; but most Catering First Aid kits still fob you off with white bandages, white eye pads, white dressings and white wipes, and if these should fall unseen into food it is you that must answer for it. Stay ahead, and minimise the risk of prosecution. We offer visibly blue contents, and you can top these up as supplies are used. See page 5 of our catalogue.


Plasters. Metal detectable, washproof, food hygiene blue plasters are available in packs of 20, 40, 100 or 120.  We have all sorts of shapes and sizes, from knuckle, fingertip or extension, and for general use the best value is often found in an assorted box. For all our plaster ranges – Food Hygiene, Burn, Fabric, Latex Free, Washproof, Stretch or even Pilfer-Proof, see our catalogue pages 14 to 15.


Food Hygiene Supplies. If you work in a food preparation or food handling environment, you will no doubt be aware that in the case of food contamination, the only defence likely to succeed is providing evidence of due diligence. As blue is the only colour not to appear in nature, it has already been deemed appropriate for all plasters used in your sector; but most Catering First Aid kits still fob you off with white bandages, white eye pads, white dressings and white wipes, and if these fall unseen into food it is you that must answer for it. Stay ahead, and minimise the risk of prosecution. We offer visibly blue contents, and you can top these up as supplies are used. See page 5 of our catalogue.


Body Fluid Clean Up Kits. When your workplace poses a bio hazard to employees or members of the public, what you need is a simple, stepped approach to controlling risk. Our body fluid clean up kits are quick and easy to grab, and contain individual application packs which can be replaced as those individual units are used. Each pack has everything needed for containment and safe disposal, and meets all current HSE requirements. See page 7 of our catalogue for our full bio hazard range.


Sharps Kits. When your workplace poses a bio hazard to employees or members of the public, what you need is a simple, stepped approach to controlling risk. Our sharps kits contain individual application packs which can be replaced as those individual units are used. Each pack includes protective items and has everything needed for containment and safe disposal, and meets all current HSE requirements. See page 7 of our catalogue for our full bio hazard range.


Safety Signs. Did you know that BS EN ISO 7010 was adopted as a European Norm for all safety signs in the UK as long ago as 2012? No? Well, the purpose was to introduce a consistency in design across the EU. However, many signs in workplaces to day have not been updated. Although even the EU are unlikely to swoop in and inspect your premises, should an accident occur, it is always much better to be safe than sorry. Don’t worry, we can help, and there is no charge for doing so, or for the advice, nor any obligation to buy. All signs supplied by Workplace First Aid are guaranteed to comply with the latest legislation. Ask us for the full Workplace Safety Signs catalogue – it’s free.


Health & Safety Law. Is this sign hanging up visibly in your workplace for all to see? If not, you are breaking the law! Sorry to have to tell you the bad news, but it’s true. The Police are never going to arrest anyone for having the wrong sign, but in the event of an accident, you would certainly have questions to answer. We still see the old black and white version in business premises far and wide, so you would not be alone, but it would probably be fair to assume that anyone still displaying it is behind the times in terms of general safety legislation, and that could potentially be very costly for their business. May we suggest an advisory visit? There is no charge – all part of the service.


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